Sunday, March 29, 2009

Welcome to PDR...

Study has never been one of my strong points. It's not that I dislike learning, or am not good at it, quite the contrary in fact. It's just that I don't enjoy the ritual of study. I don't like sitting there, making notes, scribbling away. I am not that kind of person.
I was always the kid who goofed off in class, who distracted everyone around her, but still managed to get good grades.
One year, my science teacher ticked yes to the little box on my report card, saying "parent teacher interview required?". I had come first in my class and naturally I assumed she wanted to see my parents so she could congratulate them, and me, for my wonderful accomplishment..... boy.... wasn't I wrong?
She yelled and screamed and carried on how it wasn't fair that I had gotten the grade as I did not deserve it. I never did home work. I never did assignments. I was a constant distraction to those around me and spent more time passing notes to my friends than taking notes from the board, but somehow, when it came to doing the end of term, half yearly and yearly exams, I always came out on top.

What I guess I am trying to get at is, that I can't do the study thing. It bores me. As long as I am interested I will soak up information like a sponge. But if I have to sit there researching and reading and writing, then I sooner or latter end up folding paper aeroplanes and sending them flying around the room.

That is why I got excited about the PDR. I had always wanted to do an IDS....really really wanted to do it.... but I am so not the studying type. That and just the very thought of only being able to handle one deck for a couple of months gets me into origami mode....

I am excited. Very excited. I look forward to reflecting on the Lo Scarabeo Sorcerers Deck, drawn by one Antonella Castelli. I am currently in love with it... (thanks to a trade with ms thorhammer!)
I love my gilded deck too, but I find the Sorcerers deck easier to read intuitively.... maybe because I spent over a year using the Gilded and it's LWB, not bothering to try and learn meanings and now I have worn that deck out.

I figured, just to start off with, I would do make my first reading for this blog short and simple.
What is this PDR going to teach me?

Queen of Pentacles...

My first thought is to do a massive eye roll.... which I do.... but the card is still there... begging for interpretation
I am terrible with court cards. I know the basic meaning for most of the major and minor arcana but the courts I struggle with....

Ms QoP is staring into her pentacle, using it almost as a mirror. She looks upset, unimpressed. There is nothing else in the card with her. Just her and a pentacle and a knotwork border. I would almost venture to say that she looks lonely.

The feeling I get from this card is that this PDR is going to teach me how to look deep into my cards. That by the end of it I will be reading all on my own, instead of with the LWB which I am, at the very moment trying very hard to avoid looking at. I can't get over how upset she looks though.... perhaps this isn't the deck that I will finish my PDR with???

**Takes a quick peak at the LWB**

Mistress, attention to details, giving sentimental value to objects, reminiscing....
Well... that was kinda close I suppose...

Well that's it from me today. I'll be sure to visit every week, and post any interesting readings I do in the meantime....


  1. You make me laugh! Welcome to PDR!

    I think that was a great reading for the Queen of Pentacles, although I do not have that deck so I can't look at the image. It always matters more what your cards are saying to you than what the book says *grin*

  2. I love the title of your blog. :D
    Looking forward to more posts from you...

  3. Coolness. Looking forward to reading your posts.

    Off to a nice start, I'd say.

  4. Welcome to the PDR! Very nicely written first post. I'll enjoy reading your reflections x
